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Papers cover topics in aerodynamics, cementing, drilling, formation testing, hole cleaning, inverse methods, LWD/MWD, reservoir engineering, rheology, sensor design, signal processing, and other interesting areas of physics (single-authored unless noted otherwise).
Exact Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Model: MWD/LWD Anisotropic Prediction for Rh and Rv, Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering, 2015
High-Data-Rate Measurement-While-Drilling System for Very Deep Wells, with Y. Su, L. Sheng, L. Li, H. Bian and R. Shi, Well Logging Technology Journal, Xi’an, China, Dec. 2014
Strategies in High-Speed MWD Mud Pulse Telemetry, with Y. Su, L. Sheng, L. Li, H. Bian, R. Shi and X. Zhuang, Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering, Dec. 2014
Formation Testing: New Methods for Rapid Mobility and Pore Pressure Prediction, with Y. Zhou, Z. Hao, Y. Feng and Q. Yu, Paper OTC-24890-MS, 2014 Offshore Technology Conference Asia (OTC Asia), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Mar. 25-28, 2014
Formation Testing: New Methods for Rapid Mobility and Pore Pressure Prediction, with Y. Zhou, L. Zhao, Y. Feng and Q. Yu, Paper 17214, 7th International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC), Doha, Qatar, Jan. 19-22, 2014
Formation Tester Flow Analysis in Anisotropic Media With Flowline Storage and Skin at Arbitrary Dip, Well Logging Technology Journal, Xi’an, China, Feb. 2013
Advances in Swab-Surge Modeling for Managed Pressure Drilling, with X. Zhuang, Paper OTC-21115-PP, 2011 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, May 2-5, 2011
Effect of Rotation on Flowrate and Pressure Gradient in Eccentric Holes, with X. Zhuang, Paper AADE-11-NTCE-45, AADE 2011 National Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, April 12-14, 2011
Advances in Swab-Surge Modeling for Managed Pressure Drilling, with X. Zhuang, Paper AADE-11-NTCE-46, AADE 2011 National Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, April 12-14, 2011
Transient, Multiphase, Three-Dimensional Pumping Models for Cementing and Drilling, with X. Zhuang, Paper AADE-11-NTCE-72, AADE 2011 National Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, April 12-14, 2011
Comprehensive Annular Flow Models for Drilling and Completions, with X. Zhuang, Paper AADE-11-NTCE-73, AADE 2011 National Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, April 12-14, 2011
High-Data-Rate Measurement-While-Drilling System for Very Deep Wells, with Y. Su, L. Sheng, L. Li, H. Bian and R. Shi, Paper AADE-11-NTCE-74, AADE 2011 National Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, April 12-14, 2011
Flow Simulation Methods for Managed Pressure Drilling and Cementing, Drilling and Completing Trouble Zones Conference, Galveston, TX, Oct. 19-21, 2010
Modeling and Simulation of Managed Pressure Drilling for Improved Design, Risk Assessment, Training and Operations, RPSEA Ultra-Deepwater Technology Conference, Houston, TX, June 22-23, 2010
Exact Non-Newtonian Flow Analysis of Yield Stress Fluids in Highly Eccentric Borehole Annuli with Pipe or Casing Translation and Rotation, with X. Zhuang, SPE Paper 131234-PP, CPS/SPE International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, Beijing, China, June 8-10, 2010
Displacement of Viscoplastic Fluids in Eccentric Annuli: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation, with T. Deawwanich, J.C. Liew, Q.D. Nguyen, M. Savery and N. Tonmukayakul, presented at Chemeca 2008 Conference, Newcastle, Australia, Sept. 28 - Oct. 1, 2008
Laminar Displacement of Viscoplastic Fluids in Eccentric Annuli – Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validations, with M. Savery, P. Tonmukayakul, T. Deawwanich, J. Liew and Q. Dzuy Nguyen, presented at XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2008), Adelaide, Australia, Aug. 24-29, 2008
Flow Visualization and Numerical Simulation of Viscoplastic Fluid Displacements in Eccentric Annuli, with Q.D. Nguyen, T. Deawwanich, N. Tonmukayakul and M.R. Savery, presented at XVth International Congress on Rheology (ICR 2008), Society of Rheology 80th Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA, Aug. 3 - 8, 2008
Modeling Cement Placement Using a New Three-Dimensional Flow Simulator, with M. Savery, presented at the AADE Fluids Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 8-9, 2008
Formation Tester Inverse Permeability Interpretation for Liquids in Anisotropic Media with Flowline Storage and Skin at Arbitrary Dip, presented at the 48th Annual SPWLA Meeting, Austin, TX, June 3-6, 2007
Modeling Fluid Interfaces During Cementing Using a Three-Dimensional Mud Displacement Simulator, with M. Savery and R. Darbe, Paper OTC No. 18513, presented at the 2007 Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), April 30 – May 3, 2007, Houston, TX
Formation Tester Immiscible and Miscible Flow Modeling for Job Planning Applications, with M. Proett, presented at the 46th Annual SPWLA Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2005
MWD Siren Pulser Fluid Mechanics, Petrophysics, Journal of the Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA), Vol. 45, No. 4, July – August 2004, pp. 363-379
Formation Testing in the Dynamic Drilling Environment, with M. Proett, D. Seifert, S. Lysen, and P. Sands, SPWLA 45th Annual Logging Symposium, June 6-9, 2004, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Job Planning Simulators for Immiscible and Miscible Flow, SPWLA Spring Topical Conference, Formation Testing: Applications and Practices, Mar. 28 – Apr. 1, 2004, Taos, NM
Mudcake Growth, Invasion, and Dynamic Coupling with Reservoir Flow: Experiment and Theory, SPWLA Spring Topical Conference, Formation Testing: Applications and Practices, Mar. 28 – Apr. 1, 2004, Taos, NM
Sample Quality Prediction with Integrated Oil and Water-based Mud Invasion Modeling, with M. Proett, D. Belanger, M. Manohar, and J. Wu, PetroMin Magazine, Sept. 2003
Improved Rheology Model and Hydraulics Analysis for Tomorrow’s Wellbore Fluid Applications, with R. Morgan, T. Becker, and J. Griffith, SPE Paper 82415, SPE Production and Operations Symposium, March 2003, Oklahoma City, OK
Sample Quality Prediction with Integrated Oil and Water-based Mud Invasion Modeling, with M. Proett, D. Belanger, M. Manohar, and J. Wu, SPE Paper 77964, SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition (APOGCE), Oct. 2002, Melbourne, Australia
Multiple Factors That Influence Wireline Formation Tester Pressure Measurements and Fluid Contacts Estimates, with M. Proett, M. Manohar, R. Sigal, and J. Wu, SPE Paper 71566, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Oct. 2001, New Orleans, LA
Comprehensive Look at Factors Influencing Wireline Formation Tester Pressure Measurements and Fluid Contacts, with M. Proett, M. Manohar, and R. Sigal, 42nd SPWLA Annual Symposium, Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, June 2001, Houston, TX
New Wireline Formation Testing Tool With Advanced Sampling Technology, with M. Proett, G. Gilbert, and M. Monroe, SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, April 2001
Advanced Permeability and Anisotropy Measurements While Testing and Sampling in Real-Time Using a Dual Probe Formation Tester, with M. Proett, SPE Paper 64650, Seventh International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, Nov. 2000, Beijing, China
Modern Flow Assurance Methods, Part III: Coupled Velocity and Temperature Fields in Bundled Pipelines, Offshore, Nov. 2000
Modern Flow Assurance Methods, Part II: Detailed Physical Properties and Engineering Application, Offshore, Oct. 2000
Modern Flow Assurance Methods, Part I: Clogged Pipelines, Wax Deposition, and Hydrate Plugs, Offshore, Sept. 2000
Advanced Permeability and Anisotropy Measurements While Testing and Sampling in Real Time Using a Dual Probe Formation Tester, with M. Proett, SPE Paper 62919, 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Oct. 2000, Dallas, TX
General Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Model for Nondipolar Transmitters in Layered Anisotropic Media With Dip, Well Logging Technology Journal, August 2000, Xi’an, China
New Dual Probe Wireline Formation Testing and Sampling Tool Enables Real-Time Permeability and Anisotropy Measurements, with M. Proett, 41st SPWLA Annual Symposium, Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, June 2000, Dallas, TX
Clogged Pipe, Non-Newtonian Fluid, and Coupled Solids Deposition Flow Modeling, Final Technical Report, May 2000, Brown & Root Energy Services, Houston, TX
Irregular Grid Generation and Rapid 3D Color Display Algorithm, Final Technical Report, DOE Grant No. DE-FG03-99ER82895, United States Department of Energy
New Dual-Probe Wireline Formation Testing and Sampling Tool Enables Real-Time Permeability and Anisotropy Measurements, with M. Proett, M. Manohar, G. Gilbert, and M. Monroe, SPE Paper 59701, SPE Permian Basin Oil & Gas Recovery Conference, March 2000, Midland, TX. Also presented at SPE Rocky Mountain Regional Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium and Exhibition, March 2000, Denver, CO
New Wireline Formation Testing Tool with Advanced Sampling Technology, with M. Proett, G. Gilbert, and M. Monroe, SPE Paper 56711, 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX
Exact Spherical Flow Solution with Storage for Early-Time Test Interpretation, with M. Proett, SPE Journal of Petroleum Technology, Nov. 1998
New Exact Spherical Flow Solution with Storage and Skin for Early-Time Interpretation, with Applications to Wireline Formation and Early-Evaluation Drillstem Testing, with M. Proett, SPE Paper 49140, 1998 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, Sept. 1998
New Exact Spherical Flow Solution for Early-Time Well Test Interpretation with Applications to Wireline Formation Testing and Early-Evaluation Drillstem Testing, with M. Proett, SPE Paper 39915, SPE Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting/Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, April 1998
New Exact Spherical Flow Solution for Early-Time Well Test Interpretation with Applications to Wireline Formation Testing and Early-Evaluation Drillstem Testing, with M. Proett, SPE Paper 39768, SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference, Midland, TX, March 1998
Pressure Test Validity Shown by Comparing Field Tests and Simulations, Part II: Formation Pressure Test Tools, with N. Skinner, M. Proett, P. Ringgenberg, and R. Aadireddy, Oil & Gas Journal, Jan. 12, 1998
Testing System Combines Advantages of Wireline and Drillstem Testers, Part I: Formation Pressure Test Tools, with N. Skinner, M. Proett, P. Ringgenberg, and R. Aadireddy, Oil & Gas Journal, Jan. 5, 1998
New Early Formation Pressure System Field Test Results and Advances in Early Time Pressure Buildup Analysis, with N. Skinner, M. Proett, P. Ringgenberg, K. Manke, H. Smith, and R. Aadireddy, SPE Paper 38648, 1997 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, Oct. 1997
Permeability Prediction from Formation Tester “Phase Delay” and “Sonic Pulse” Analysis, with M. Proett, GRI - SPWLA Research Forum on Permeability Logging, Feb. 1997, Houston, TX
Permeability Prediction from Stoneley Waveform Data, GRI-SPWLA Research Forum on Permeability Logging, Feb. 1997, Houston, TX
Supercharge Pressure Compensation Using a New Wireline Testing Method and Newly Developed Early Time Spherical Flow Model, with M. Proett, SPE Paper 36524, 1996 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Denver, CO, Oct. 1996
Supercharge Pressure Compensation with New Wireline Formation Testing Method, with M. Proett, 1996 Annual Meeting of the Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, New Orleans, LA, June 1996
Supercharge Pressure Compensation with New Wireline Formation Testing Method, with M. Proett, SPE Paper 35178, Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference, Midland, TX, March 1996
Modeling Complex Horizontal Wells in Heterogeneous Formations, Offshore, Oct. 1993
Eccentric Annular Flow Modeling for Highly Deviated Boreholes, Offshore, Aug. 1993
Model Offers Insight Into Spotting Fluid Performance, Offshore, Feb. 1991
Annular Flow Model Explains Conoco’s Borehole Cleaning Success, Offshore, Oct. 1990
Exact Cuttings Transport Correlations Developed for High Angle Wells, Offshore, May 1990
Advances in Annular Borehole Flow Modeling, Offshore, Feb. 1990
Comparative Studies in Dual Porosity Reservoir Simulation, BP Exploration Reservoir Technology Report No. H090.0005, Houston, TX, Jan. 1990
Automating the Acquisition Planning Process at the Johnson Space Center (using Artificial Intelligence Methods), with J. Golej, MITRE Corporation Report MTR-88D00065, NASA/JSC Contract No. NAS9-18057, Sept. 1988
Simulating Horizontal Well Fracture Flow, Offshore, Aug. 1988
Why Drill Strings Fail at the Neutral Point, Petroleum Engineer International, May 1988
Fatal Tubular Bending Motions Difficult to Detect Uphole, Offshore, April 1988
Formation Evaluation Using Repeated MWD Logging Measurements, with A. Suresh, P. Holbrook, L. Affleck, and H. Robertson, SPWLA 27th Annual Logging Symposium, Houston, TX, June 9-13, 1986
Complimentary copies sent upon request. Aerospace engineering papers omitted for brevity.
Wilson C. Chin, author, scientist and software developer, earned his Ph.D. from M.I.T. and M.Sc. at Caltech. He has published twenty research monographs, over a hundred papers and more than four dozen patents. His interests focus on MWD design, managed pressure drilling, reservoir engineering, formation testing, electromagnetic logging, and drilling and cementing rheology. Mr. Chin's books, available from, and, describe test methods, math models and numerical algorithms in detail. Contact the author at or (832) 483-6899.
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