Copyright (C) 2019, by Stratamagnetic Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
MWD/LWD mud sirens and turbines, high data rate telemetry, formation testing, signal processing.
Recent patent applications
Formation Evaluation Using Phase Shift Periodic Pressure Pulse Testing in Anisotropic Media, June 2015
Multiple Drawdown Pressure Transient Analysis for Low Mobility Formation Testing, June 2015
Array Formation Tester for Rapid Anisotropic Permeability Prediction in Low Mobility Reservoirs, May 2017
Turbosiren Flowmeter for Open Hole Reservoir Applications, June 2017
International and domestic patents
To issue, 2019 - Methods and systems for downhole sensing and communications in gas lift wells
US10,156,127, 12/18/2018, High signal strength mud siren for MWD telemetry
US10,145,239, 12/4/2018, Flow modulator for use in a drilling system
US9850754, 12/26/2017, High speed telemetry signal processing
CA2556937, 9/21/2010, Methods for measuring a formation supercharge pressure
BRPI0508357, 7/24/2007, Método para determinar a pressão de supercarga em uma formação interceptada por um furo de sondagem
US7243537, 7/17/2007, Methods for measuring a formation supercharge pressure
US7224162, 5/29/2007, System and methods for upscaling petrophysical data
CA2156224, 10/17/2006, MWD surface signal detector having bypass loop acoustic detection means
CA2156223, 8/1/2006, MWD surface signal detector having bypass loop acoustic detection means
US7082078, 7/25/2006, Magneto-rheological fluid controlled mud pulser
US7059179, 6/13/2006, Multi-probe pressure transient analysis for determination of horizontal permeability, anisotropy and skin in an earth formation
WO2005084332, 9/15/2005, Methods for measuring a formation supercharge pressure
WO2005036338, 4/21/2005, System and methods for upscaling petrophysical data
WO2005017301, 2/24/2005, Electroactive fluid controlled mud pulser
US06327538, 12/04/2001, Method and apparatus for evaluating Stoneley waves, and for determining formation parameters in response thereto
EP00936477A3, 12/13/2000, Evaluating Stoneley waves and formation parameters
EP1053488, 11/22/2000, Multiple transducer MWD surface signal processing
NO20003826A, 09/26/2000, Behandling av signal fra multippel MWD-transducer p overflaten
NO20003826A0, 07/26/2000, Behandling av signal fra multippel MWD-transducer p overflaten
EP00747571B1, 02/02/2000, Downhole pressure pulse generator
EP0950795, 10/20/1999, Tool for and method of geological formation evaluation testing
US5969638, 10/19/1999, Multiple transducer MWD surface signal processing
NO00990872A, 10/18/1999, Verktoey og fremgangsmte for geologisk formasjonsevaluering og testing
EP936477A2, 8/18/1999, Evaluating Stoneley waves and formation parameters
NO00990615A, 8/18/1999, Evaluering av Stoneley-boelger og formasjonsparametre
WO09938032, 7/29/1999, Multiple transducer MWD surface signal processing
NO00990872A0, 02/24/1999, Verkt y og fremgangsmte for geologisk formasjonsevaluering og testing
NO00990615A0, 02/09/1999, Evaluering av Stoneley-boelger og formasjonsparametre
US05831177, 11/03/1998, Fluid driven siren flowmeter
US05787052, 07/28/1998, Snap action rotary pulser
US05740126, 04/14/1998, Turbo-siren signal generator for measurement while drilling systems
US05703286, 12/30/1997, Method of formation testing
EP0747571, 12/11/1996, Downhole pressure pulse generator
US05672819, 09/30/1997, Formation evaluation using phase shift periodic pressure pulse testing
EP00697499A3, 07/30/1997, Apparatus for detecting an acoustic signal in drilling mud
US05644076, 07/01/1997, Wireline formation tester supercharge correction method
US05586083, 12/17/1996, Turbo siren signal generator for measurement while drilling systems
EP00747571A2, 12/11/1996, Downhole pressure pulse generator
US05583827, 12/10/1996, Measurement-while-drilling system and method
US05535177, 07/09/1996, MWD surface signal detector having enhanced acoustic detection means
US05515336, 05/07/1996, MWD surface signal detector having bypass loop acoustic detection means
EP00697498, 02/21/1996, Apparatus for detecting pressure pulses in a drilling fluid supply
EP00697499A2, 02/21/1996, Apparatus for detecting an acoustic signal in drilling mud
EP00697498A2, 02/21/1996, Apparatus for detecting pressure pulses in a drilling fluid supply
NO00953224A, 02/19/1996, Anordning til paavisning av trykkpulser i en ledning for tilfoersel av borevaeske
NO00953223A, 02/19/1996, Overflate-signaldetektor for maaling I loepet av boringen med forsterket akustisk detektorinnretning
CA02156224AA, 02/18/1996, MWD surface signal detector having bypass loop acoustic detection means
CA02156223AA, 02/18/1996, MWD surface signal detector having enhanced acoustic detection means
US05459697, 10/17/1995, MWD surface signal detector having enhanced acoustic detection means
NO00953224A0, 08/16/1995, Anordning for aa detektere trykkpulser I en borefluid
NO00953223A0, 08/16/1995, Overflate-signaldetektor for maaling I loepet av boringen med forsterket akustisk detektorinnretning
US4785300, 11/15/1988, Pressure pulse generator
CA1228909, 11/03/1987, Pressure pulse generator
BRPI8405278, 8/27/1985, Gerador de pulsos de pressao
EP0140788, 5/8/1985, Pressure pulse generator
NO00844026A, 04/25/1985, Trykkpulsgenerator
Complimentary copies sent upon request.
Wilson C. Chin, author, scientist and software developer, earned his Ph.D. from M.I.T. and M.Sc. at Caltech. He has published twenty research monographs, over a hundred papers and more than four dozen patents. His interests focus on MWD design, managed pressure drilling, reservoir engineering, formation testing, electromagnetic logging, and drilling and cementing rheology. Mr. Chin's books, available from, and, describe test methods, math models and numerical algorithms in detail. Contact the author at or (832) 483-6899.
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